Owens OutComm Student Media

Owens OutComm Student Media

Owens OutComm Student Media


Owens OutComm Student Media Center

Owens OutComm Student Media Center (OOSMC) is a student-run media center providing interested Owens students an initial experience through integrated media communications that include radio, audio recording and production, digital newspaper, photography, film and video, and social media content creation.

OOSMC houses several digital platforms allowing Owens Community College students interested in media technology to pursue, create, connect and discover the power of digital communication through digital layout, graphic design, audio production, video production, motion graphics, photography and web design.

Students within the Broadcast Media TechnologyMusic Business TechnologyCommercial ArtPhotography and Communications programs participating within the media center can create a professional body of work to showcase their application of skills for potential employers.


OutComm Media

The Outlook is a student-run paper providing interested Owens students an initial experience in newspaper development.

Students participating with the student newspaper learn skills in writing, photography, design, social media and communication. The Outlook provides the Owens community with news, campus life, entertainment, sports and imagery.

OutView – OCCTV

OwensOutComm Student Media Video Production is a student-run facility providing interested Owens students with an initial experience in video production.

Students within the Broadcast Media Technology Program and Music Business Technology Program participating at the facility can create a professional body of work to showcase their application of skills for potential employers.

OutCast, OCCR – Owens Community College Radio

Owens Community College Radio is a student-run station providing interested Owens students an initial experience in radio and podcast production.

Students within the Broadcast Media Technology Program and Music Business Technology Program participating at the station can create a professional body of work to showcase their application of skills for potential employers.