OutCast social media

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Through your use of the web you may have realized that social media platforms are one of the best ways to drive traffic to a site.

So, that’s why OutCast, OCCR – Owens Community College Radio has set up a Facebook Page at Facebook.com/OCCRadio/ to help you find and like our station. If you see us publish a Facebook story, it will have something to do with station programming, or an upcoming station or school event at which we’ll participate.

For Twitter, our account for OCCR will help you follow what’s happening on the station and on campus. We’ll use our tweets to provide you with instant station and school news, and sports updates. Soon, we’ll add Thread to help us do the same.

Our Instagram, site provides you with visual images of station and school news and happenings that you may find of interest.

YouTube allows us to share live stream events, such as volleyball and men’s and women’s basketball, as well as pre-recorded programming like our public affairs program “Community Connection”. Find these on our YouTube channel “Owens OutComm Student Media Center”.

Visit our website at OwensOutComm.com especially the first few weeks of the fall 2023 semester. We’ll share links  with you to all of our social media platforms.