“I Believe” A Personal Statement by Jessica Williams:
I believe that the bond between a human and their pet is one of the strongest forms of love because it shows that love isn’t only expressed through words.
When I met Zero for the first time it was an instant connection. When she first saw me, she ran over to me before jumping up and putting her tiny paws in my hand. She then began to bark excitedly before running around in circles in the yard.
A few days later, I accompanied my aunt to go pick up Zero from the pet store where we met Zero’s foster mom and went over the adoption plan. I remember seeing her staring at me with her sweet eyes before running over to greet us. She was only about 15 pounds and five months old when my aunt adopted her.
Over the next few months my bond with Zero continued to grow. Any chance I had I would spend as much time with her a possible. Zero loved to sit with people whenever she could and she loved to spend time with the people that she loved. She especially loved getting and giving both hugs and kisses to he favorite people and her dog sister, Slinky. Then, a few months later, she had her first Christmas where she would open a gift I had loosely wrapped for her that included a new toy that I knew she would love.
Eventually on her first birthday we had a small party for her where I got her and Slinky a cookie and some dog safe ice cream to eat. I had also gotten Zero some new toys as well as new outfits to because she got cold very easily. After opening her presents I would give Zero and Slinky their cookies and their ice cream.
Over the past two and a half years, Zero has been nothing but a positive part of my life. She has been there for me during both the best and worst times of my life. Seeing her cheers me up and has always been the best part of any day. She is my best friend and is living proof that love isn’t only expressed through words. It also must be expressed through actions.