Cooper Eidenier, College Credit Plus student, studying.
Do you have any younger siblings in high school that would like to save time and money? If so, have you thought about telling them about College Credit Plus (CCP) courses? As college gets more and more expensive and sometimes very time consuming, some high school students like me are getting a head start on their college education by taking advantage of the College Credit Plus program.
According to the Owens Community College website, CCP is a dual-enrollment program offered at academic institutions that allows students to earn college credits while also completing their high school requirements. This approach not only accelerates academic progress, but also provides many other advantages.
Getting Used to College-Level Classes
College Credit Plus classes at Owens Community College provide high school students with the chance to try out college-level classes and get used to the format and style of classes they’ll be seeing in college. By enrolling in college-level courses while still in high school, students get to experience the rigors and expectations of university academics that helps them prepare for the transition. I am high school student and was very nervous about this, but now that I have been successful in a few classes I feel it is easing my anxiety about going to college.
Cost Savings
Everyone likes to save money. In fact, when I interviewed Lakishai Hayes, an Academic Advisor at Owens Community College, she said one of the main reasons that high school student take CCP Classes is “to save money and reduce college student loan debt.” Tuition fees for CCP classes are typically covered by the state of Ohio, which can reduce the amount of loans that students and families must take out to pay for college.
In addition to saving money because it is paid for by the state, Hayes noted that it can also “help students graduate from college early.” In my case, I will potentially graduate from college a semester early if I don’t change majors. Cutting out a whole semester of college can save a lot of money on both tuition, housing, books, etc. If I do change majors and need to take additional classes, having the extra credits upfront will hopefully allow me to at least graduate on time so that I don’t have to pay even more tuition.
Larger Number of Classes to Choose From
Participating in College Credit Plus classes exposes high school students to a broader range of classes outside of what their high school offers. Owens Community College offers an array of courses on many different subjects- many of which are not offered at area high schools.
I was able to take a film class which is not something my high school offered. I love movies and thought I wanted to study Film in college, but this class opened my eyes. I determined that even though I liked watching movies, I didn’t like the very technical aspect of film making, so now I know that I should explore other options. Perhaps, a future class I take at Owens will spark my interest, and I’m glad that I am getting exposed to many different subject areas now.
College Readiness and Familiarity
CCP classes can help students prepare for college. Learning to manage your time with professors that are more hands-off than high school teachers is a good skill to learn early. I take my CCP classes online, so there are no in-person reminders to do my work. I have learned time management skills this way (sometimes the hard way). The professors at Owens will sometimes send email reminders, but in my experience, most do not. I know I need to take the lead and constantly look at what is coming up.
CCP classes have also helped me to become familiar with the way colleges use “platforms” such as Blackboard to manage a student’s classes and assignments. Learning how to click on links to find books and resources and how to submit work electronically is a useful skill.
Knowing how to look for help and resources without simply asking a teacher is a skill students need to have in college too. I learned how to schedule help through the Writing Center and how to have an interactive video call with a tutor and my professors. It ended up being easier than I thought, and now I will have the confidence to do it when I go away to college without being anxious.
Meeting New People from Different Backgrounds
The students I interact with in high school are around my same age. Through group projects, I have been able to work with people of all ages–even some who have kids my age. It’s been a cool experience.
Most High Schools offer a College Credit Plus Program
I originally thought my high school was somewhat unique because they offered CCP classes, but according to Lakishia Hayes, CCP Academic Advisor at Owens Community College, “We have 30-40 area high schools participating in the CCP program. Last year, Owens had over 1,000 CCP students participating in their program.”
In summary, the College Credit Plus classes at Owens Community College offer high school students a multitude of advantages from saving money, preparing for college, getting used to electronic platforms, expanding class selection and meeting new people. I am so glad I am doing it. Now that you’ve read this article, are you going to mention it to someone you know? Send them this link- Owens Community College CCP Program – they’ll be glad you did! Or, have them call Lakishia Hayes at 567-661-7777.