Owens Community College is currently hosting a thought-provoking art exhibit titled “The Faces Of,” running now through May 5, 2024 in the lounge area on the first floor of Heritage Hall in the lounge area. The exhibition is part of this year’s BIG Read initiative, which delves into the experiences of indigenous peoples, focusing particularly on the pervasive issue of violence against indigenous women.
As the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center emphasizes, the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women is a pressing concern that transcends mere statistics—it is a harrowing reality that demands urgent attention. This epidemic, which has disproportionately affected Native women, is deeply rooted in historical injustices such as the forced relocation and assimilation of indigenous peoples.
To confront this issue head-on, Owens Community College is calling for public attention to missing and murdered indigenous women through the powerful medium of art. The art exhibit serves as a platform to tell the stories of those who have been affected by these tragedies, highlighting their lives, their struggles, and their resilience in the face of adversity.
By amplifying the voices and experiences of indigenous peoples, the exhibitions goal is to raise awareness and spark meaningful conversations about the systemic issues that perpetuate violence against indigenous women. Through art, Owens Community College seeks to honor the memory of those who have been lost, while also advocating for justice, recognition, and healing for indigenous communities across the nation.
As visitors engage with the powerful artworks on display, they are invited to reflect on their own roles in addressing the injustices faced by indigenous peoples and to join in the collective effort to create a more just and equitable society for all. Through education, advocacy, and solidarity, we can work together to ensure that the voices of missing and murdered indigenous women are heard and that their stories are never forgotten.