As an American citizen, you have the right to vote, every year, in every election, on the issues that matter to you. Do not allow someone else to decide for you. Exercise your right to vote and be heard.
To vote in the upcoming Primary election you must be registered. The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Make sure you are registered to be able to vote in the Primary election that will be held Tuesday, March 19, 2024.
To register online visit Owens.edu/vote and click on the register to vote button. There is a short form to fill out. It takes less than 30–seconds to complete, and then you are set.
The Owens.edu/vote online registration is available anytime, day or night.
Register to vote.
It’s easy, it’s free, and it’s your RIGHT.
For more information on voting and registering to vote, visit: allintovote.org